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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  March 21, 2013 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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to assure that the iranian government for sakes nuclear weapons. peace is far more praoefrpbl t prefer rabl to war and the inch even tended consequences that would come with war would mean we have to do everything we can to try to resolve this diplomatically. because of the cooperation between our governments we know that there remains time to pursue a diplomatic resolution. that's what america will do with clear eyes, working with a world that is united and with the sense of urgency that is required. but iran must know this time is not unlimited, and i've made the position of the united states of america clear, iran must not get a nuclear weapon, this is not a danger that can be contained and as president i've said all options are on the table for achieving our objectives,
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america will do what we must to prevent a nuclear armed iran. [cheers and applause] >> for young israelis i know that these issues ever security are rooted in an experience that is even more fundamental than the pressing threat of the day. you live in a neighborhood where many of your neighbors have rejected the right of your nation to exist, and your grandparents had to risk their lives and all that they had to make a place for themselves in this world. your parents lived through war arwar to insure the survival of the jewish state. your children grow up knowing that people they've never met may hate them because of who they are in a region that is full of turmoil and changing
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underneath your feet. so that's what i think about when israel faces these challenges. that sense of an israel that is surrounded by many in this region who still reject it, and many in the world who refuse to accept it. that's why the security of the jewish people in israel is so important, it cannot be taken for granted. make no mistake, those who adhere to the ideology of rejecting israel's right to exist, they might as well reject the earth beneath them or the sky above because israel is not going anywhere. [cheers and applause]
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>> and today i want to tell you, particularly the young people, so that there is no mistake here, so long as there is a united states of america -- [speaking foreign language] >> you are not alone. [cheers and applause] >> the question is what kind of future israel will look forward to. israel is not going anywhere, but especially for the young people in this audience the question is, what does its future hold?
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and that brings me to the subject of peace. [applause] >> i know israel has taken risks for peace. brave leaders reached treaties with two of your neighbors. you made credible proposals to the palestinians at annapolis. you withdrew from gaza and lebanon and then faced terror and rockets. across the region you've extended a hand of friendship and all too often you've been confronted with rejection, and in some cases the ugly reality of anti-semitism. so i believe that the israeli people do want peace, and i also
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understand why too many israelis, maybe an increasing number, maybe a lot of young people here today are skeptical that it can be achieved. but today israel is at a crossroads. it can be tempting to put aside the frustrations and sacrifices that come with the pursuit of peace, particularly when iron dome repels rockets, barriers keep out suicide bombers, there are so many other pressing issues that demand your attention, and i know that only israelis can make the fundamental decisions about your country's future. [applause] >> i recognize that. i also know by the way that not everyone in this hall will agree with what i have to say about peace. i recognize that there are those who are not simply skeptical
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about peace but question its underlying premise. have a different vision for israel's future, and that is part of a democracy, that is part of the discourse between our two countries, i recognize that. but i also believe it's important to be open and honest especially with your friends. i also believe that. [applause] >> you know politically given the strong bipartisan support for israel in america, the easiest thing for me to do would be to push this issue aside, just express unconditional support for whatever israel decides to do, that would be the easiest political path. but i want you to know that i speak to you as a friend who is deeply concerned and committed to your future and i ask you to consider three points.
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first, peace is necessary. i believe that. [applause] i believe that peace is the only path to true security. you can be -- [applause] >> you have the opportunity to be the generation that permanently secures the zionist dream, or you can face a growing challenge to its future. given the demographics west of the jordan river, the only way for israel to endure and drive as a jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable palestine. that is true. [cheers and applause]
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>> there are other factors involved. given the frustration in the international community about this conflict, israel needs to reverse an under tow of isolation, and given the march of technology the only way to truly protect the israeli people over the long term is through the absence of war, because no wall is high enough and no iron dome is strong enough or perfect enough to stop every enemy that is intent on doing so from inflicting harm.
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this truth is more pronounced given the changes sweeping the arab world. i understand that if with the uncertainty in the region people in the streets, changes in header ship, the rise of nonsecular parties and politics, it's tempting to turn inward because the situation outside of israel seems so chaotic. but this is precisely the time to respond to the wave of revolution with a resolve and commitment for peace because -- [applause] >> -- as more governments respond to popular will the days when israel could seek peace simply with a handful of autocratic leaders, those days are over. peace will have to be made among people's, not just governments have. [applause]
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>> no one -- no single step can change overnight what lies in the hearts and minds of millio millions. no single step is going to erase years of history and propaganda, but progress with the palestinians is a powerful way to begin, while side lining extremists who driv thrive on conflict and division. it would make a difference. [applause] >> so peace is necessary. but peace is also just. peace is also just. there is no question that israel has faced palestinian factions who turn to terror, leaders who missed historic opportunities, that is all true, and that's why security must be at the center
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of any agreement. and there is no question that the only path to peace is through negotiations, which is why despite the criticism we've received, the united states will oppose unilateral efforts to bypass negotiations through the united nations. it has to be done by the parties. [applause] >> but the palestinian people's right to selfdetermination, their right to justice must also be recognized. [applause] [applause] >> and put yourself in their shoes, look at the world through their eyes. it is not fair that a palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of their own.
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[applause] >> living their entire lives with the presence of a foreign army that controls the movements not just of those young people but of their parents, grandparents, every single day. it's not just when violence against palestinians goes unpunished. [applause] >> it's not right to prevent palestinians from far farming their lands or restrict ago students ability to move around the west bank or displace palestinian families from their homes. [applause] >> neither occupation nor expulsion is the answer. [cheers and applause]
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>> just as israelis built a state in their homeland, palestinians have a right to be a free people in their own land. [applause] >> i'm going off script here for a second. before i -- before i tame here i met with a group of young palestinians from the age of 15 to 22, and talking to them they weren't that different from my daughters. they weren't that different from your daughters, or sons. i honestly believe that if any israeli parent sat down with
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those kids they'd say, i want these kids to succeed. i want them to prosper. i want them to have opportunities just like my kids do. i believe that's what israeli parents would want for these kids if they had a chance to listen to them and talk to them. [applause] >> i believe that. [cheers and applause] >> now only you can determine what kind of democracy you will have. but remember that as you make these decisions you will define not simply the future of your relationship with the palestinians, you will define the future of israel as well. [applause]
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>> as ariel shron saeutd is impossible to have a jewish democratic state at the same time to control all of israel. if we insist on fulfilling the dream in its entirety we are liable to lose it all. [applause] >> or from a different perspective, i think of what the novelist david grossman said shortly after losing his son as he described the necessity of peace. a peace of no choice, he said, must be approached with the same determination and creativity as one approaches a worst of no choice. [applause] >> now israel cannot be expected
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to negotiate with anyone whose dedicated to its destruction. [applause] >> but while i know you have had differences with the palestinian authority, i genuinely believe that you do have a true partner in president abbas and prime minister fiate, i believe that. and they have a track record to prove it. over the last few years they have built institution and maintained security on the west bank in ways that few could have imagined just a few years ago. so many palestinians, including young people have rejected violence as a means of achieving their aspirations. there is an opportunity there, there is a window, which brings me to my third point, peace is possible. it is possible. [cheers and applause]
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i'm not saying it's guaranteed. i can't even say that it is more likely than not, but it is possible. i know it doesn't seem that way. there are always going to be reasons to avoid risk. there are costs for failure. there will always be extremists who provide an excuse not to a act. i know there must be something exhausting about endless talks about talks, and daly controversies, and just the grinding status quo, and i'm sure there is a temptation just to say, enough, let me focus on my small corner of the world and my family and my job and what i can control. but it's possible. negotiations will be necessary,
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but there is a little secret about where they must lead, two states for two people' peoples. two states for two peoples. [applause] >> there will be differences about how to get there. there are going to be hard choices along the way. arab states must adapt to a world that has changed. the days when they could condemn israel to distract their people have a lack of opportunity, or government corruption, or mismanagement, those days need to be over. now is the time for the arab world to take steps towards normalizing relations with israel. [applause] >> meanwhile palestinians must recognize that israel will be a jewish state, and thaeuz rail
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lees have the right to insist upon their security. [applause] >> israelis must recognize that continued settlement activity is counter productive to the cause of peace, and that an independent palestine must be viable with real borders that have to be drawn. [applause] >> i've suggested principles on territory and security that i believe can be the basis for these talks. but for the moment put aside the plans and the process, i ask you instead to think about what can be done to build trust between people. four years ago i stood in cairo in front of an audience of young people, politically, religious lee they must seem a world away,
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but the things they want, they are not so different from what the young people here want. they want the ability to make their own decisions and to get an education, and to get a good job, to worship god in their own way, to get married, to raise a family, the same is true of those young palestinians that i met with this morning. the same is true for young palestinians who yearn for a better life in gaza, that's where peace begins, not just in the plans of leaders but in the hearts of people. not just in some carefully designed process but in the daily connections that sense of empathy that takes place among those who live together in this land, and in this sacred city of jerusalem. [applause] >> and let me say this as a politician, i can promise you this. political leaders will never take risks if the people do not push them to take some risks.
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you must create the change that you want to see. [applause] >> ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things. i know this is possible. look to the bridges being built in business in civil society by some of you here today. look at the young people who have not yet learned a reason to mistrust. or those young people who have learned to overcome a legacy of mistrust that they inherited from their parents. because they simply recognize that we hold more hopes in common than fears that drive us apart. your voices must be louder than those who would drown out hope. your hopes must light the way forward. look to a future in which jews and muslims and christians can all live in peace and greater prosperity in this holy land.
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[applause] >> believe in that. [applause] >> most of all look to the future that you want for your own children. a future in which a jewish democratic, vibrant state is protected and accepted for this time and for all time. [applause] >> there will be many to say this is not po* possible, but remember this. israel is the most powerful country in this region. israel has the unshakable support of the most powerful country in the world. [applause] >> israel is not going anywhere. israel has the wisdom to see the world as it is, but this is in your nature, israel also has the courage to see the world as it should be.
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[applause] >> bengurian once sa*eud said in israel in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles. sometimes the greatest miracle is recognizing that the world can change. that's a lesson that the world has learned from the jewish people. and that brings me to the final area that i'll focus on, prosperity and israel's broader role in the world. i know that all the talk about security and peace can sometimes seem to dominate the headlines, but that's not where people live. and every day even amidst the threats that you face israelis are defining themselves also by the opportunities that you're creating, through talent and hard work. israelis have put this small country at the forefront of the
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global economy. israelis understand the value of education and have produced ten nobel lawye llauretes. israelis understand the power of invention and your universities educate engineers and inventors, and that spirit has led to economic growth and human progress. solar power and electric cars, and bandages and prosthetic limbs that save lives. stem cell research and new drugs that treat disease, cellphones and computer technology that changed the way people around the world live. if people want to see the future of the world economy they should look at tel-aviv home to hundreds of start-ups and research centers. [applause] >> israelis are so active and
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social media that every day seems to bring a different facebook campaign about where i should give this speech. [laughter] [applause] >> that innovation is just as important to the relationship between the united states and israel as our security cooperation. our first free trade agreement in the world was reached with israel nearly three decades ago. [applause] >> today the trade between our two countries is at $40 billion every year. [applause] >> more importantly that partnership is creating new products and medical treatments, it's pushing new frontiers of science and explore ration, that's the kind of relationship that israel should have and could have with every country in the world. already we see how that
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innovation could reshape this region. there is a program here in jerusalem that brings together young israelis and palestinians to learn vital skills in technology and business. an israeli and palestinian have started a venture capital fund to finance palestinian start-ups. over one hundred high-tech companies have found home on the west bank which speaks to the talent and the entrepreneurial shirt of the palestinian people. one of the great ironies of what is happening in the broader region, so much what young people are yearning for, entrepreneurship, education, the pwaeult to start a business without paying a praoeub. those can be find here in israel. this should be a hub nor thriving trade and an engine for opportunity. [applause] >> israel is already a center
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for innovation that helps power the global economy. and i believe that all of that potential for prosperity can be enhanced with greater security, enhanced with lasting peace. [applause] here in this small strip of land that has been the center of so much of the world's history, so much triumph and so much tragedy, israelis have built something that few could have imagined 65 years ago. tomorrow i will pay tribute to that history at the grave of hertzel, a man who had the for sight to see the future of the jewish people had to be reconnected to their past. at the grave of rabin who understood that israel's victories in war had to be followed by the battles for
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peace. and where the world is reminded where the cloud of evil that can descend on the jewish people and all of humanity if we ever fail to be vigilant. we bear all that history on our shoulders. we carry all that history in our hearts. today as we face the twilight of israel's founding generation you, the young people of israel, must now claim its future. it falls to you to right the next chapter in the great story of this great nation. and as the president of a country that you can count on as your greatest friend, i am confident that you can help us find the promise in the days that lie eye head, and as a man who has been inspired in my own
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life by that timeless calling within the jewish experience -- [speaking foreign language] >> i am hopeful that we can draw upon what is best in ourselves to win the challenge that may come to win the battles in the wake of so much war and do the work of repairing this world. that's your job. that's my job. [applause] >> that's the task of all of us. may god bless you, may god bless israel. may god bless the united states of america. [speaking foreign language] >> thank you. [cheers and applause] martha: and saying thank the president with his first official trip to israel making a speech directly to the israeli people today, speaking for about 45 minutes and covering a vast amount of different topics. joining us to talk a little bit about the significance of this speech breath stevens foreign affairs columnist for the "wall street journal," also former
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editor for the gerald jerusalem post having worked in israel. what are your observations about the speech. >> this speech is moving from the carter model to the clinton model. the carter model being a very icy u.s. view of israel. the clinton model saying let's hug each other close. he started offer the speech by talking about his friend, bb, using not even his first name, his nickname talking about their good relationship, emphasizing the security side of the relationship which institutional lee at least has been very strong and trying to mend the fences that he really broke in the first four years. then he got to the peace process part of the speech which was a different story. jenna: is that move from the carter to the clinton model a good thing for the american people? >> it's a good thing because it signals an improvement in relationship. it's a smart thing politically both in the united states and israel. the question of how obama felt or feels about israel has been a
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live political question in both countries, and here to have this kind of engagement with young israeli students is a way of trying to reach out to say, look i'm not an unfriendly president, i really mean when i say -- it's in the a cliche that when i talk about having your back, it's much more heartfelt. so the mood music is good. the question about policy is a different story. jenna: it's interesting to note when the president began his first term he made the speech in cairo to the muslim world. now he's beginning his second term with this speech to israelis specifically. what do you make of that juxtaposition? does it signal anything truly different between the first and second term? >> let me be an optimist for a second. jenna: that is a new thing for you i know. >> hard for me to do. part of the problem with obama's first term is he spent a lot of time coddling our enemies and united states andtting distance our friends. maybe he understands really what you have to do is run an effective policy is to bring your friends in, to bring them
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that much closer. if that's the second administration a, that is probably a pretty good thing there. are important things for the u.s. and israel to discuss with iran. he has to have this dialogue, four years too late. jenna: the ayatollah in iran the supreme leader who makes all the calls in the country comes out and is making a speech to the iranian people. one of the things he says is that the talks with the united states don't work because they want us to come to their side and we are not going to. he said if easy tacked in iran he will a nile late certain cities in israel, including tel-aviv. what do you think about that that is happening at nearly the same time as the president is speaking. >> the supreme leader explained why it is that either israel or the united states will have to take care of iran's nuclear program before they get a bomb. the last thing you need is a iran armed with nuclear weapons
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making the threats against tel-aviv and haifa. jenna: do you think there is anything in the president's speech that resonates with our enemies rather than our allies. >> if i were an iranian what i'd be most interesting in is the paragraph or so he devoted saying we still have time to make negotiations work. clearly this is a president that is only going to use a military option as a last and last resort. and they are going to try to have a diplomatic outcome which isn't going to necessarily eliminate iran's nuclear programs even if it kicks the can down the road until the end of this administration. that's what would worry me in israel, that's what would make me happy to hear if i were in iran. jenna: a lot more to talk about with this. breath, it's great to have you on set with this. watching the speech as it happens and we'll be right back with more "happening now." ♪ [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow! ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums.
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jenna: right now, a desperate manhunt as police are searching for a killer who showed up at the home of the state's prison director and murdered him. claudia cowan has the latest from denver. what's the working theory here about what happened? >> reporter: well, jenna, given tom clement's position, police believe this was a targeted shooting, and now they're taking a hard look at people who may have held a grudge. clement was shot in the chest when he opened the front door of his home at around 8:30 on tuesday night. investigators have no known motive but say they're looking
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into clement's recent decision not to grant a prison transfer for a saudi national serving time here in colorado for holding a housekeeper as a sex slave. a member of the influential saudi family and reportedly had ties to an israel lammic -- islamic terror group. >> i can tell you we're aware of that information. as you know from the start of this investigation when it began last night because of the fact that mr. clement served in the position that he did, as the executive director of colorado department of corrections, we're sensitive to the fact that there could be any number of people who may have a motive for wanting to target him for a crime such as this. >> reporter: even so, sources say in the hours after clement's murder key players in the prosecution were given armed security including the u.s. attorney general who had originally investigated the man as someone with known terrorist connections. jenna in. jenna: interesting part of the
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story. what do we know about the woman police have been mentioning and say that they're looking for in. >> reporter: yes. police want to talk to this woman who was out speed walking in the neighborhood around the time of the shooting because they believe she may have spotted a vehicle they're looking for, may have even seen the suspect. a witness in the neighborhood said he saw a late model vehicle, possibly a lincoln or a cadillac right around the time of the shooting just about 200 yards from clement's house with the engine running and no one inside. a few minutes later that same witness saw the car drive off but wasn't able to get a description of the driver or the license plate. residents in this area are in shock and grieving the loss of their neighbor and friend, and the clement family did issue a statement yesterday thanking well wishers for their support and sympathy and asking for their privacy. jenna? jenna: we'll continue to follow this story, claudia, thank you. jon: some new developments to tell you about in the battle over immigration reform as the bipartisan group known as the
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gang of eight -- four democrats and four republicans in the senate -- nears completion on a bill that could become the biggest overhaul of immigration law in more than 20 years. the centerpiece said to be a path to citizenship that begins with a road to a green card for 11 million plus immigrants who are here illegally right now. but the gang of eight also promises that before there's a pathway to anything, our borders must be secured. let's talk about it with angela mcglowan, a fox news political analyst. if they get some kind of an agreement on this bill, does that mean as some have suggested that good government could be breaking out all over in washington? >> good government could be breaking out. jon, listen, with the partisan politics that are being played regarding gun control and the budget issue, today congress has to pass yet another bill to avert closing the federal government. this is the issue that can prove that washington, d.c. is not dysfunctional. jon: well, and both parties seem to have the impetus to get
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something done. >> they do, but my party -- i'm conservative -- republicans need to come together and want consensus. you have jeb bush saying that, rubio has flipped on the issue -- jon: florida senator marco rubio. >> yes. rand paul has come out with his own proposal, he did a speech before the chamber of commerce. but this is an issue where my party can come together and actually be leaders, and i think right now the diversity in the party might be tearing it down. jon: well, okay, that was the question. you mentioned three potential presidential candidates -- [laughter] potential republican standard bearers in the next election, in 20 -- >> 2016. but it's -- jon: marco rubio -- >> yes. >> rand paul, jeb bush -- >> yes. jon: and each of them is sort of criticizing the other's immigration plan. >> and united we stand, divided we fall. 2016 is an eternity away. i understand that self-preservation is the first law of nature, but right now we need to bring our country
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together, and this is an issue that will maybe help jeb, rand paul or rubio gain more hispanic support when they do decide to run. jon: well, and there wasn't a lot of hispanic support the last time around -- >> not for mitt romney. jon: about 30% as compared with 70% for president obama. >> right. and jeb bush's brother, president bush, got 45% of the hispanic vote. so we have a long road to go now. the gang of eight, they want to have a vote on this bill june/july. i'm hopeful, also, the house can pass a bill so we can have comprehensive immigration reform. jon: are the two bodies likely to see eye to eye? i mean, it's one thing to get republicans and democrats together in the senate which is a more collegial body -- >> yes. jon: the house a little more fractious. >> well, senators mccain and graham went over to the house and met with some republicans, and flake said they're open. i'm not going to say exactly what they said, but the bottom
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line is this: if the senate can prove this is not a blanket amnesty bill, then they can bring some people from the house onboard. jon: so you're fairly confident this is going to get done. the senators say they are very close on this immigration legislation. >> i'm confident that it will get done if republicans can come together. we need to stop being public and, you know, again, it's great to have diversity of voices, but don't pull each other done in doing so. jon: go back to the reagan model, thou shalt not criticize thy fellow republican? >> there you go. instead of just looking at your political aspirations, let's bring america today. jon: angela mcglowan, thank you. >> thank you. jon: jenna? jenna: a major u.s. retailer is drawing outrage over a new health insurance plan for their company, asking employees to hand over their own information like height and weight to the company or shell out more money for coverage.
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we're going to talk about whether that plan is even legal to do. and fifty years ago today, a major event at one of the most notorious prisons in american history. what happened at alcatraz? we're live with that story ahead. when did you know that grandma was the one?
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when her sister dumped me. grandpa was my dad a goodthlete? no. oh dad, you remember my friend alex? yeah. the one that had the work done... good to see you. where do we go when we die? the ground.
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jenna: well, a controversial move by a major retailer is causing some big concerns about privacy. the name of the retailer, cvs, this big drugstore chain, it plans to require employees to submit personal medical information like height and weight and body fat or pay hundreds more for health insurance. many are outraged at the idea of guffing employers such -- giving employers such personal information, but some argue with medical costs soaring this might be something other companies decide to do as well. is it legal? fred tecce, a former federal prosecutor and annette.
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i'm not going to ask it, fred, but is it legal? is it league for a company to ask their employee for access to information like your height and weight and your glucose levels? is that legal? >> well, you know something? the answer to your question is, yes. met me say this. jenna, when i first heard about this, i completely popped off because this really, really bothered me. but when i started to look at it, i could spin this in this way. if all cvs is doing is saying to its employees, look, you have to take this test -- which is what they've said -- you have to provide this information to your health people, to your doctor, and that's the end of it in an effort to get people to be cog any i santa of their blood -- cognizant of their blood glucose levels and work with their doctor and start that conversation, if that's all you're doing, then that's actually somewhat benign. but if you take the next step which is try to have your employees provide that information to their employer, i think that's over the line. jenna: so, esther, how do you
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know? how do we know once we hand over that information that in some way it's not used against us by our company? >> right. >> we don't. that's the problem. this is a slippery slope, as fred was alluding to. this is why he would get so upset and why this is such outrageous conduct. we can't be putting our trust in the corporation and make sure that our personal information is not hacked or voluntarily handed over. i mean, why are they asking for this information if it's not to use it in some capacity? if i walk into an -- if i walk into my, into my boss' office and they say, you know, your blood pressure's a little high these days, you know, we might fire you. this just gives the employer yet another reason to discriminate against their employees. jenna: so -- >> government -- the employer, the employer can't do this directly. they can't do it and go to the doctor and get this information because hipaa forwind -- forbids
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it. jenna: i'm sure our viewers have questions about that, because our doctors can't release this info. jenna: the hipaa privacy rules does not prevent a supervisor, hr worker or others for asking for information about an pro's health -- employee's health. be they need it to administer wellness programs or health insurance. so, fred, outrageous slippery slope, but is it perfectly legal for the employer to do this? >> well, that's the question. and now you're about to find out why my friends get mad at me, they don't understand, i'm going to defend cvs a little bit. if they never go to the doctor and never ask for that information, quite frankly, i don't think hipaa laws would give them access to that information. and it stays between the patient and the doctor. that's one thing. but what i'm concerned about is what if cvs says, guess what? we're going to fine you $100 a month unless you turn that information over to us. and under contract law, i could spin that as being legal. that's where it gets really dicey. jenna: cvs says it's not taking
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the information, that it's going to a third party, that it's not something that they're taking into their hr and putting in our files. what about that, what about that part of it all? >> that's what they say. but, again, the very next step is for them to get the information. and, you know, we give our personal information out all the time, and then it gets, et gets compromised because someone hacks in. and now they have the information. so it's just too close to of a line between not giving the employer the information and then being able to get it anyway. of. jenna: but is it illegal? we go back to that, right? >> it's a question -- >> wait a minute. >> -- whether it should be illegal. jenna: should it be? >> wait a minute. we give out perm information all the time -- personal information all the time, but it's one thing telling somebody you like long walks on the beach and what your glucose level is. jenna: i was talking to our colleagues about this. everyone didn't like the idea of
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having to report back to the company, but no one wanted to pay the fine. and to your point, fred, there's nothing in here that would say that fine does not grow over the years if you -- >> correct. and that's the scary part. >> right. it's the slope that you don't know where this is ending up. >> slippery slope. lawyers hate slippery slopes. jenna: we're going to start screening you guys before we start doing these interviews, i want all of your vitals. [laughter] >> that's it. this is my last time on fox. thanks for having me. [laughter] jenna: thanks for playing. >> thanks. jon: good old fred. half a century ago alcatraz closed its doors. we're going to take a look back at that iconic prison, next. and rockets fired into israel from gaza, the attack happening as president obama is visiting israel and urging palestinians and israelis to resume peace talks. a live report coming up. if you have sensitive skin,
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jon: a fox news alert, two of the more prominent elected officials who are working to reduce gun violence are getting together right now in new york city. there you see vice president joe biden tasked by the president with coming up with some federal laws to reduce the number of illegal guns in use. he is meeting with america's billionaire mayor, michael bloomberg, the guy who started the mayors against illegal guns. they are talking about ways to reduce gun violence, especially in the wake of the newtown tragedy. if you'd like to continue to watch it, we have it streaming for you live on ♪ jon: well, 50 years ago today one of america's most notorious prisons closed its doors.
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alcatraz, the federal penitentiary, shut down on this day in 1963. and the island in san francisco bay is still very much an icon. rick folbaum has more from our new york city newsroom. rick? >> reporter: well, given its iconic place in history, it's kind of surprising that alcatraz was only an active federal prison for 29 years, but it certainly earned its reputation as the rock as it was called, or devil's island was another nickname. according to prison official, nobody ever successfully escaped from alcatraz, though a lot of people tried. take a look at this old clip from fox movie tone news. >> alcatraz, the federal penalty ri in san francisco bay, or the rock as it's also known the criminal world, stands humiliated today in its boast of maximum security. the victim of the ingenuity of three convicts who mocked its break-proof claims to make good their escape. >> reporter: those inmates are said to have actually gotten away on a raft, though to this day they've never been found.
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on march 31, 1963, then-attorney general robert kennedy decided to shut down alcatraz. it had simply become too expensive to operate, more than three times what other federal prisons were costing at time. there was a brief dispute over whether the land belonged to a native american tribe, and then the national park service took over, and it's become one of the most popular tourist attractions in the san francisco bay area. but the last prisoners were transferred out of alcatraz, as you said, jon, 50 years ago today. jon: i did that tour last summer in jenna's hometown, and it was absolutely fascinating. they do a great job with it. they're still working on the island and really interesting with people like machine gun kelly was there -- >> reporter: al capone was there. jenna: maybe we should repope it, you guys -- reopen it, you guys talking about it so fondly. jon: i think they're probably making too much money with that tour. jenna: good point. >> reporter: i'm sure that's
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the case. jon: i highly recommend it. jenna: good words about my hometown, jon, appreciate that. even when it comes to a prison, that's all right. the president just wrapped up a major address in israel. what he had to say about the iran nuclear showdown just as we're getting word from iran into our newsroom. we'll have reaction for you fresh top of the hour.
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>> reporter: brand new hour and brand new stories coming your way over the next 60 minutes, and on the same day that president obama delivers his speech to the israeli people, terrorists if gaza target jewish neighborhoods, and iranian threats target the entire country. we'll go live to jerusalem. also, three years after the passage of obamacare, is it working? is the health care law doing what it set out to do? we'll take a closer look at that. plus, remember sars from ten year withs ago? well, there's a brand new virus that has a lot of people worrying in public health. the can corona virus. what is it, and what do you need to know about it? we'll have all of that and breaking news as the second hour
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of "happening now" starts right now. ♪ jenna: rockets slam into israel during the president's visit as fears of or war dominate his mideast trip. welcome to brand new hour of "happening now," i'm jenna lee. jon: and i'm jon scott. two rockets fired from gaza striking southern israel this morning. they didn't cause much damage, no deaths reported, but the rockets serve as a reminder that the president is visiting a country still very much under fire. israeli president sharn perez shows us there is a reality beyond the vision of piece. meanwhile, in the west bank president obama met with president ab pass this morning and -- abbas this morning and stressed his commitment to the formation of a palestinian state. in a speech to jerusalem today, he addressed the all-important issue of iran's rogue nuclear program. >> i've made the position of the united states of america clear:
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iran must not get a nuclear weapon. this is not a danger that can be contained, and as president i've said all options are on the table for achieving our objectives. america will do what we must to prevent a nuclear-armed iran. [applause] jon: but iran has a very different message. iran's supreme leader warning today if iran is attacked, it will strike back and destroy israeli cities. chief white house correspondent ed henry is traveling with the president. he is live in jerusalem now. so you sat down, ed, with israeli president sharon perez. he believes military option for the u.s. is still on the table? >> reporter: that's right, jon. president peres wrought me into the very -- brought me into the very garden he was walking with president obama. the broader message president obama's trying to bring on this trip is that he's trying to mend fences, and what president peres told me is in pote the private talks with president obama and in the public comments like the
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one you just played from that speech here in jerusalem today, president peres told me, and the quote was america is not chicken. and he said he believes that if president obama has to launch a military strike against iran to prevent them from getting nuclear weapon, they will go ahead and do that. here's president peres. >> well, my experience, first of all, i know that an american president does not announce something by accident. i can also understand that the president wants to try nonmilitary means. everyone will do it in america. the united states doesn't go to shoot before it tries all the other options. shooting is the last option. >> reporter: now, as you heard there, shooting is the last option. i asked him directly do you think president obama is ready to shoot if necessary, and president peres said directly, yes. and as you noted, the stakes here are high. this is not just some sort of
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game or theory being bandied about in terms of military action. iranian leaders today warning if there is some sort of strike from israel or by extension the u.s. helping out israel, the iranian leadership saying they'll wipe out specifically two israeli cities, tel aviv and hypa. this is real high stake, jon. jon: certainly is. the president began the last hour delivering that speech to mostly college students studentn jerusalem. guess it didn't all go as planned, huh? >> reporter: it didn't. there was a palestinian protester who got up, he was a 24-year-old student, apparently, who got up and was heckling the president a little bit saying that he was giving in too much to the israeli side. the president took it in stride and, basically, got a standing ovation from the israeli students for rolling with the punches and saying it makes me feel like i'm at home if i get threeps one heckler in a speech. and what the president was trying to accomplish was deliver a broader message that he believes peace in this region is
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within reach. take a listen. >> peace is possible. [applause] it is possible. i'm not saying it's guaranteed. i can't even say that it is more likely than not, but it is possible. >> reporter: but the president woke up this morning, his second day here in israel, to find out that four rockets had rained down from hamas, basically came from gaza, landed in southern israel. so far, apparently, no injuries. that's the good news. but the bad news, obviously, suggesting when there's rockets still raining down from gaza into southern israel, it suggests that idea of peace is on the distant horizon, jon. jon: an embarrassment for the president on this trip. ed henry traveling with the president, thank you. jenna: we're going to talk a little bit more about those rockets that came into israel to the southern israeli town. we're going to bring in now the
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director of the media center, noam, who is there on the ground. tell us a little bit if you can, describe to us, you know, what did this sound like, what did it look like, where did these rockets hit? tell us what the people on the ground are experiencing there. >> okay. this morning at 7:15 in thead pg fired -- five rockets being fired from hamas-controlled gaza toward southern israel, and we had one rocket exploding nearby a house, actually in a house underneath a children's room having three children, actually, running for shelter. it's an understanding, living on the gaza border explain that one of the rockets have been fired from gaza toward the town or the region. we have 15 seconds or less to run for our lives. and this has been the realities of the past over decade. and this past operation we just had a couple months ago during november, we had most israeli
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citizens under missile fire from gaza. this is a small reminder that still, as we speak, the entire southern israel, the one million israelis are constantly under missile fire from gaza. jenna: we're seeing some of the footage that we have of and some of the pictures that you shared with us, noam, of the one of the areas where the rocket hit. what do you make of the timing of this rocket fire? >> to be honest, we actually did expect this to happen. when we have half of the palestinian arabs living in the gaza slip and hamas controlling the entire territory and president obama was scheduled to be meeting with -- [inaudible] in ramallah. we needed to be expected to show that hamas is definitely part of the -- [inaudible] over here declaring on their charter for genocide, by the way, for the jewish people and
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israel and showing that they are definitely part of the entire system over here and not to forget about them. jenna: real quick -- >> definitely expected. jenna: just real quick here, what is the connection? was i'm going to be -- because i'm going to be talking about iran next. what is the connection between the type of rockets that are fired into israel from gaza and iran? >> well, it's been proven that much of the weaponry found in gaza, fired from gaza towards israel are coming from iran, and it's through libya, north sudan, through egypt to the sinai and then underneath a tunnel into the gaza strip. it has been proven for the past almost a year and a half missiles have been coming into the gaza strip. so this is a very strategic announcement of understanding, you know, since hamas control of because saw since -- gaza since june of 2007, capable of two years since israel disengaged from the gaza strip.
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any terror militia in the world 20 years to get to where they are today. so it's been happening in our part of the region, it's very, very important to understand this can be the entire future of having a pal tip yang state -- palestinian state on the west bank -- [inaudible] opinion happening in our part of the region. jenna: this is just one perspective from the ground. noam, appreciate it. he's from the area where these rockets hit. we want to talk a little wit more about what we heard from iran today as well. very strong words from the supreme leader there, the one that really has the power. he is not optimistic, he says, about nuclear negotiations with the united states, but he also said he's not opposed to them either. he went on the to say if israel attacks iran, iran will annihilate tel aviv. michael singh joins us often on these issues from -- can we scroll up a little bit? he's a senior director of middle eastern affairs at the national security council, current managing director after the
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washington institute for near east policy studies. michael, what do you make of the timing of it all? >> hi, jenna. and, you know, the timing here -- and it's important, i just want to make sure people understand, this is iran's supreme leader, so this is a decision maker in iran. the timing has to do with the iranian new year, of course. he gives a speecher year at this time but, of course, the substance and why he's saying what he is now, i think, has very much to do with president obama's visit to israel. and, of course, it's a response in a sense to president obama and prime minister netanyahu talking about all options being on the table with respect to iran. i think his message is that, well, iran has options too, and iran will use those options if they're attacked, and that's attacking israel. jenna: michael, we often think about iran, its nuclear program as a strictly iran/israel issue. the president took that on. but i want to share a comment that the ayatollah said today to his people. he said: israel is too small to be called an enemy, and the
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united states is the center of animusty towards the -- animosity towards the islamic republic. israel doesn't matter, the ayatollah said, it's the united states that does. what does that mean? >> well, look, i think you hear this theme in his remarks quite a bit, that -- you know, remember, the united states is considered the great satan by iran's clerical leaders even though, frankly, the iranian people have a higher regard for the united states. and you hear frequently that israel's really just doing the bidding of the united states. that's how the regime sees it. and so the notioning that we sometimes have that while israel might attack alone, you know, iran will regard that sort of attack as a u.s. attack as well. you know, i do want to point out here, jenna, it's instructive to see the contrasts between our president's words and the supreme leader of rapp's words. you know -- iran's words. we're talking about diplomacy, about giving diplomacy a chance, and if we exercise a military option, it's a sort of pinpoint strike on nuclear facilities whereas the supreme leader's
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talking about annihilating cities, and that illustrates the difficulty in these talks. jenna: important context for us today. michael, thanks jr. purposing on the phone with us -- thanks for jumping on the phone with us, we appreciate it. >> thank you, jenna. jon: well, it is no surprise that president obama wants to achieve something no president has ever done, retake full control of congress in a midterm. we're going to look at how one highly-respected forecaster has some predictions about the 2014 midterms. an eye-opening look at the road ahead for both parties in the next election. that's three minutes away. also jurors in the jodi jodi arias murder trial are getting another chance to ask questions. it is not jodi they'll be grilling. who they want to know more from and what it could signal about the outcome of the case, coming up. [ kate ] many women may not be absorbing the calcium they take as well as they could because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food.
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jon: it is pretty typical that the saying president's -- sitting president's party losing
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congressional seats in midterm election. in the senate republicans saw a net gain of six seats, and on the house side a net gain of 63 seats. but the president is hoping for a different outcome next time around, keeping the senate and retaking the house. elections guru larry sabato writing in the "wall street journal" says: mr. obama and mr. democrats are so buoyed by national polls and the buzz from the november election that they sense a chance to make history. as of now, democrat cans would have to pick up 17 seats in the house to take control there. right now in the senate the democrats hold a ten-seat majority, that counts the two independents who caucus with them. but sabato warns, quote: electoral history and nature of the 2014 races indicate the democrats actually stand a greater chance of losing the senate than they do of winning the house.
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let's talk about it with ab. stoddard at the hill. that may be in terms of social media outreach and so forth that other candidates and other presidents haven't been able to do. what do you think, ab? >> that is true, and that's why we should start with why democrats think they have a hope the reverse or this history and do something that's never been done, to take the party back for the president's party in his sixth year in office. that's because in this last election, obviously, the groups that support, that are in the obama coalition, those democrats are on the rise, they engaged at record levels, and the incorrect estimation about vote turnout led the republicans to not only lose, but be surprised by their losses. so you can look at it that way. midterm elections traditionally are older and whiter, and the kind of voters that have carried obama to victory twice through his very, very shrewd and, you
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know, expert techniques do not engage in midterm elections, no so interested in congressman snodgrass' reelection or the challenge he's running in district 5 to a republican congressman. we're also looking at the diminished opportunity for democrats who talked about the 17 seats that sabato mentions. these swing seats are disappearing. they were 174 or so in 1998, only 99 of them in 2012. there's just not a lot of opportunity to take back a district that mitt romney won. and no ore expert -- other expert so far that knows the map is disagreeing with what larry sabato is saying about how hard it would be. jon: there isn't a president in my memory who has spent more time or energy sort of demonizing one political party using the bully pulpit. president obama talks about republicans in the house or john boehner's party or that kind of thing more than any other president that i can remember. is this why, pause he's
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looking -- because he's looking toward those 2014 midterm elections? >> yeah. president obama, you can see coming out of his re-election which was a strong victory, continued to campaign for the fiscal cliff in november and december, then against the sequester early part of this year. he likes a foil. the problem for president obama is if he can't accomplish this, as i've said would be an unprecedented feat, then he's stuck with probably a duh minished senate -- diminished senate majority of democrats, maybe they even lose it to republicans, and a republican house. and then does he have a legacy? i would argue the only path to a legacy is through the fiscal hole now, and that would open up his ability to actually maybe win some seats for democrats who helped with the compromise and move on to clean fights on energy and education, immigration, other things. i think without that if he's seen as always campaigning against republicans and nothing changes because the numbers don't look like they will, um, he's a lame duck from now on.
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because he's not using this year to legislate, he's using it to campaign. jon: obviously, much depends on what kinds of candidates get nominated for all of these races, but republicans have hope. ab stoddard, thank you. >> thanks. jenna: well, the troubled boeing dreamliner may be just days away from takeoff. what the company is doing about the 787's battery problems ahead of a pair of crucial test flights. and returning from combat is a struggle for many of our troops. we're going to catch up with one marine we first introduced to you ten years ago when the iraq war began. [ loud party sounds ]
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this? >> probably. >> reporter: five year later, we found king having been discharged for failure to cope. he lost his dream job, lost his house then tragically lost a
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daughter, samantha, who died after being left alone in the bathtub, and the state took custody of his two other girls. >> everything that i've heard everybody wants to hire military veterans, i mean, you can't find a better worker -- >> reporter: yeah. >> but it turned out to be different. kind of stuck in the same place still. not for lack of trying. >> reporter: jason king's still out of work in large part because he says employers are put off by the medications he takes for ptsd. but despite his issue, king says he doesn't regret his service. do you miss the military? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: what do you miss most? >> just mostly the sense of belonging somewhere. >> reporter: king and his wife regained custody of their daughters, he's going to school now, he's studying for a career in computers and says he's confident he can get his life back on track. jenna in. jenna: rick, thank you.
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jon: hope he does. it was three years ago today the senate passed the so-called affordable care act. you may remember this famous scene just a few days later when president obama signed it into law in 2010. it promised to provide affordable health insurance to every american. so how close are we to achieving that today? jim angle live in washington. >> reporter: hello, jon. well, you know, the new health care law doesn't fully take effect until next january, but parts of it are already in effect. supporters, of course, point to the benefits. >> already more than three million young americans have gained coverage through their parents' plans. preventive care is free for tens of millions of americans. >> children can now have coverage even if they have a pre-existing condition, children can stay on their parents' plan until age 26. >> reporter: now, obama care already offers everything from free contraceptives to free preventive services.
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many, however, ago nothing is really free. there are, of course, a trillion dollars in tax increases over the next ten years. even so, new benefits such as free preventive care come at a cost to someone such as physicians and hospitals. listen. >> having the costs covered for the patient of mammograms and colonoscopies is all well and good, but when the reimbursement to physicians and to facilities is below cost, facilities and doctors won't provide those services. >> reporter: now, in the meantime, new regulations for the health care law are pouring out. listen. >> there have been 17,000 pages of regulations issued so far. i don't think anybody knows exactly what's in all of them. >> most of what's going to happen was not actually written in the legislation, it is up to the discretion of the obama administration. >> reporter: now, all that's creating uncertainty which the federal reserve found is discouraging companies from hiring. others are cutting employees' hours to avoid government mandates. >> obamacare as a health care
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issue may, in fact, become secondary to obamacare as a jobs issue. >> reporter: obamacare was almost universal coverage and lower costs as you said, jon, but the congressional budget office is now saying as many as 44 million people could still be without insurance after the law takes effect. many republicans and even several democrats are trying to roll back some of the taxes or make other changes, even repeal it before next january when it takes full effect. jon? jon: 44 million people without insurance? >> reporter: could be, yep. cbo's starting to look at the numbers and trying to figure out how many are left. a lot of it is because of the poor, because you won't have expansion of medicaid, how many of those are go on subsidy, we don't though. will it make it more expensive? a lot of questions left on this one, jon. jon: and a lot of regulations too. jim angle, thanks. >> or you bet. jenna: well, boeing's dreamliner may soon take flight again. we're told they're planning to take two flight tests with the revamped battery system probably as soon as the end of the week.
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the jet's battery system is to blame for a series of incidents that grounded the whole fleet. the test flight would mark another step towards boeing's recently-announced goal of returning that jet to service in the matter of a few weeks, not a few months. liz macdonald is following this story. hey, liz. >> reporter: yeah, we're tracking the story, jenna, we're going to bring you the latest developments. so two test flights, i think they had a flight, according to reports, in february. it's a revamped battery they're trying to test. the word is they're going to do these test flights from washington state into texas with a minimal crew and no passengers. and, basically, what they want to see is if this revamped battery does not catch fire. there were two fire incidents with the batteries in january in quick, rapid succession. one triggering an emergency grounding of the plane in japan. and so what we're seeing is, basically, boeing's stock, jenna, is hanging in towards its 52-week high.
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seems to me optimism that this will be a successful test run. but i'll give you another news report coming out, nipon airways is saying, basically, boeing is presenting a best case scenario for this revamped battery. they have some doubts about it, and still we don't know what the root cause is of the fires, although boeing is saying the watery has been revamped, basically saying it is a stronger battery, and they've been put through rigorous testing with the faa. so we're going to be bringing you the latest developments as they break, jenna. back to you. jenna: sounds good, liz, thank you. >> reporter: sure. jon: well, they had a lot of questions for the defendant, now the jury gets to question her defense expert in the sensational murder trial underway in arizona. what they will make of his claims that amnesia explains why jodi arias cannot remember stabbing her boyfriend dozens of times and even cutting his throat. our legal panel weighs in. plus, a decade after more than 8,000 people were infected with sars, now doctors are
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watching a similar illness and a very deadly one. what you need to know ahead. what's droid-recognition ?
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that the psychologist says is why the accused cannot remember everything that happened the night she says she slashed and shot her boyfriend. the defense team sought yesterday to try to help samuels clear up his testimony. listen. >> is it illegal to have intercourse with somebody without their consent? >> absolutely. >> all right. and with regard to this particular test that you were conducting with miss arias is it important to you what she thinks? >> that's most important. jon: let's talk about it with fred t icc e, former federal prosecutor. esther panich is a criminal defense attorney. you have not been impressed with what mr. samuels has been doing on behalf of the defendant here. >> impressed, the guy is a torpedo to the middle of their case. i told you last week that i thought the cross-examination of this case would be like doctor do you agree with me your opinion is based on jodi arias' testimony about what happened.
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martinez the prosecutor went one step further and got the guy to admit on cross that jodi arias had lied to him which the jury has seen her do. as a result that of lie that the test was unreliable. i mean i can't -- it doesn't get much worse than that. jon: esther, you know the jury is going to have questions, we are going to hear those from them today. it's a little bit like being a fly on the wallin side the jury room, because you're going to find out later today what they think of his testimony to this point and what questions they still have. >> that's right. we are going to know exactly what they are thinking and whether they thought that dr. samuel's testimony as you reliable or not. i just want to disagree with thread for a little bit. dr. samuels was not brought in to justify self-defense. he was brought in for the limited purpose of explaining why jodi cannot remember what happened when she was stabbing him 27 times. it's not as important -- his testimony is not as important as
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mr. martinez would like us to believe. they are hitting him with cheap shots that weren't necessary either. i don't believe that samuels was a very necessary witness because jodi has already admitted that she is the one who killed him. how she remembers doing it without remembering how she did it is a question that the defense is going to have to answer. but she's already claimed -- she's already admitted she's done it. i don't know why he's spending so much time on this. >> she says she forgets all the facts. this guy came in to testify that she suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome. watching the segment about that young marine in iraq i find it repugnant that this woman would assert this defense. he testified that she can't remember because she suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome to try to bolt tere her credibility. she went in there and shot the guy in a premeditated manner. his entire testimony was there for that purpose and he
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completely failed at that. and i'm sorry, this woman is trying to get off scot-free, and she has made every possible mistake you can make. i guarantee you her lawyers have told her this is not the way to go, because if you wanted simply to avoid the death penalty she would have been telling a completely different story. jon: there is also word that the public defenders who are handling jodi arias' defense have racked up $900,000 in legal bills to this point. esther this is going to be a million dollar case, and the taxpayers of arizona are going to have to pay for that in these days of tight budgets, what do you think about that, esther? >> well, i think if the state is going to go after the ultimate punishment then they need to provide a fair and reasonable defense. this case has been lingering for five years now. so these two public defenders who have been working very hard with very bad facts deserve to be paid just as much as the
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prosecutor is being paid for this. and they have all the resources, the state has all the resources. if they wanted to limit the cost of this -- and by the way if she's convicted there are years of appeals ahead of them which are going to cost a lot more money. if they wanted to avoid that they either offer her a deal to second degree or first-degree and take the death penalty off the table or they never ask for the death penalty to begin with because those cases are infinitely more expensive than not seeking the death penalty. you can't ask for the death penalty and then complain about the cost that it's going to take. >> you've got to suffer the pain, if case warrants it, it's justified. jon: it is very expensive and long it seems to me. we'll leave it there. thank you. jenna: new fears of a pandemic after a vie rinse infects 15 people killing nine of them. despite the relatively small numbers scientists are comparing
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this to sars which killed 800 people a decade ago. the world health organization also issued a global alert for this virus. vie inch advertises recently confirmed the case has a person-to-person transmission, that always raises a lot of concerns. the early symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath. dr. william shafner eugs the chief of pre convenient virginia tiff medicine at vandenberg, university. we know so little. why is there such concern about this virus. >> the reason there's concern is that this virus resembles molecular lee in the laboratory the original sars virus of a decade ago, and we'll all remember that sars exploded out of southeast asia, was transmitted all across the world and caused many, many deaths. it was highly, highly
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transmittible. now we have a new sar-like virus that has suddenly been identified. it's not as transmittible, fortunately but it has a high fatality rate. you bet we are keeping an eye on this cyrus. jenna: how do these sort of out breaks work if there is indeed an outbreak of this virus? does it happen overnight by the movies, zero to 90 all of a sudden or is it more gradual than that. >> these days we have a new technological capacity to identify these new viruses, so we are learning more about new viruses all the time. we have more information. this outbreak is kind of smoldering along. there are cases being identified, and the world health organization has all of us around the world, infectious disease doctors, public health officials on the alert. so that if anybody comes to the united states from that part of the world, the middle east, and has a funky, a pneumonia, that
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we can't identify right away. jenna: some of the symptoms sound like the common cold. what would stand out specifically about this? >> yeah, these are pneumonic illnesses, illnesses that involve the chest and the lungs, with cough, fever, serious illness and if you sake x-rays you'll see that the lungs are involved with pneumonia, we would get specimens and send those to our reference laboratory, the cdc in atlanta that would do the investigation to see if this virus is involved and we are all on the alert for this. jenna: there are big questions about what saudi arabia is doing to help this process because apparently that's where several people came down with these cases ands a question of whether or not we are getting the right information about this. doctor, we look forward to having you back as always. thank you sir. >> my pleasure. jon: a real blast from the past, some of the treasures from america's glory days in chaise just discovered ospace just
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discovered on the ocean floor and brought to the surface. outer space just got a little older. an amazing space telescope tells us about our universe, thoughts on that coming up. ♪ [ female announcer ] from meeting customer needs... to meeting patient needs... ♪ wireless is limitless.
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jon: right now a real blast from the past, a salvage crew led by the founder of finding pwaesess from the apollo space station that have been on the ocean floor for deck eight. phil keith w-g history resurfacing live from miami. >> reporter: neil armstrong never would have had his giant step for mankind without the engines and rocket parts that blasted him and 11 other lucky as thro astronauts up to the lunar service. 40 years later two of the powerful first stage engines were recovered lying in the blackness of the atlantic three
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miles deep and pulled up to the surface. back in the early 60s and 70s they propelled our space capsules into space falling to aert 360 miles east of cape canaveral. they used remotely operated vehicles equipped with cameras, lights and fiber finding these needles in a haystack. jeff basos, a huge space enthusiast was on board for the historic find and blogged, quote we've found so much we've seen an underwater wonderland, a garden of twisted f-one engines that tell the story of a fiery and violent end, one that serves testament to the apollo program. the f-one engine is the most powerful single nozzle liquid fueled engine ever developed using 8 million pounds of thrust.
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it blasted seven a palo missions up to the moon six of course touched down on our satellite surface. due to the time and elements underwater. the serial numbers on the rocket parts nor longer readable, meaning it's going to be quite a challenge to figure out which engine part and which rocket piece went along with which apollo mission. the salvage ship arrived at port canaveral this morning four decades lights from where they were last seen and pretty soon they will be cleaned up, get the corrosion removed and eventually some unnamed museums will be showcasing these pieces of space history, jon. jon: having watched those launches that's pretty cool to see that stuff come become to the surface. phil keating in miami. thank you. jenna: speaking of the final frontier apparently it's a little older than we thought. rick is here with more, rick. >> reporter: just a little. usually, jenna being off the mark by about 80 million of anything would be a pretty big mistake but apparently not when you're talking about the age of our universe. scientists in europe say this a
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new look at the split second after the big bang took place means the universe is 80 million years older than originally thought. i have to reconfigure everything now. the european space agency's planning space tell scope helping them come up with the new estimate that puts our universe at about 13.8 billion years old. i guess that's why 80 million give or take is not such a big deal. back to you. jenna: between friends. >> reporter: between friends, right. jenna: thank you. jon: are you not getting enough of a pick me up from your morning coffee of late? if you try this new brew you might get more buzz than you bargained for. jenna: wow, look at that. jon: look at the packaging. jenna: what a way to start a morning. jon: all about the packaging. we'll tell you just how much caffeine death wish coffee is packing. also, the miami heat, we told you they are going for the history books and a new nba record as lebron james and his crew try to keep their winning streak alive.
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going back to his old home, how did they do? we'll take a closer look. >> that ties the game at 77. there is another one. yes! [ loud party sounds ] hi, i'm ensure clear... clear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've gotine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach.
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and miami has tied the game at 77. there is another one. yes! three trip else, missed it. ball game is over. the ball game is over. the winning streak survives. jon: unbelievable. jim gray is a sportscaster and fox news contributor. lebron james, i guess he's only been back in the house that he turned his back on, his home city really, four times, and just about lost this game, or so it appeared for a while there, jim. >> jon, that was so much fun to watch. they were down 27 with seven and a half minutes left in the third quarter. they went 0 on a 45 to 12 run. lebron james had 6 points in the first half, 19 points in the second half. 25 points on the game, 12 rebounds, ten assists. it was incredible to so what happened. cleveland had a chance to win the game. at the end they regained their composure but they didn't get it
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to go down. it was unbelievable, it had everything last night. something fell out of the scoreboard was leaking at the beginning of the game it was delayed for 35 minutes. they had to go back inside warm up again, a fan ran out on the court. it was an amazing game last night. number 24 this the books. jon: the fan wanted to communicate a message to lebron james. there are a lot of people not really happy with him in cleveland after turning his back on the town, but i guess this one fan wants him back. >> well the fan ran out there and that's always a dangerous situation, and you never know what can happen. monica seles many years ago was stabbed by a fan who came down to the bench and so forth this. was dangerous. lebron defused it right away as you see the fan run out here on the court on his t-shirt he had an inscription of we miss you, 2014 come back 2014 is when lebron james will be a free agent again. there is talk already maybe he'll go back to cleveland. but lebron went out of his way, he patted this guy on the head, he said after the game that the fan just wanted to tell him how
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much he missed him, he said he thanked him an also new it wasn't a dangerous situation because everybody goes through a metal detector. this had something for everybody last night. it's just amazing to see what this team has done and how they have been able to survive, come back from 17 points two nights ago in boston and then 27 last night, jon. let's look at the calendar now as we look forward to the calendar, there's two big dates, one will be on the 31 against san antonio, in san tan tone kwroe, the best team in the western conference. then if you look at saturday the 6th that would tie the record in philadelphia at 7:30 and the fans will have a big choice because that is the same night as the final four, jon. jon: jim gray, always good to talk to you. thank you. we'll be right back. >> thanks, jon. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪
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